Craig Grammer, Sr. Minister at First Christian Church, was our guest speaker at a new meeting place for us, the Wittenberg University Student Center, on Tuesday November 29, 2016.  Pastor Grammer spoke about the opportunity for the church to join with our Exchange Club to raise awareness about human trafficking.  This alliance will be sorted out in conjunction with the Chair of our Child Abuse Convention Committee and Exchange Member, Wendy Holt, Director of the Child Advocacy Center here in Clark County.  This is a great opportunity to work together to eliminate human trafficking in Clark County.

First Christian Church is an independent church based upon the Bible “We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God. Each book is reliable and truthful and contains the final revelation of God’s will for humanity. The Bible is our final authority for our life, our faith and our church. Their mission is, “Connecting People to Connect with God.”