Book of Golden Deeds 

Volunteer efforts are very important to our society and should not go unnoticed. The National Exchange Club’s longest running project, the Book of Golden Deeds Award, recognizes dedicated volunteers who give endless hours of their time and talents toward making their communities better places to live. Ever since the Exchange Club of Huntington, Ind., sponsored the first award in 1919, thousands of unsung heroes and heroines have been recognized.  The Book of Golden Deeds Award exemplifies The National Exchange Club’s beliefs.

Pictured are Dave Speas, Director of Eagle and Dove Academy who nominated Mr. Brewer, Sam Brewer, and Book of Golden Deeds Chairman, Exchangite Alan Peczkowski.

Sam Brewer

Seven years ago, Sam went to see what he could do to help at Eagle & Dove Academy and has been there ever since.  Every day he comes to meet the delivery truck, receive the food, get it to the proper location at the Academy, and then he helps distribute it to the 150 hungry students.  When the meal is done, Sam is the person to put away tables and get the room ready for cleaning.

Something breaks—Sam is the go to man to make repairs or to install new equipment.  A teacher needs extra help—Sam is the one teachers count on to provide that support.  A special program is scheduled—Sam is the one to set up the room, run an errand to get supplies or anything that is needed.

Twice a week if there is ever any extra food, it does not go to waste because Sam loads it in his truck and takes to IHN to other needy children.

In spite of his own physical limitations, Sam is ready 24/7 to assist.  ‘NO’ is not part of his vocabulary.  Whether it is doing something physical or just listening to a child read he takes care of his “family”

Sam serves as a shining example to all with whom he comes in contact each day, as he does all of this out of the goodness of his heart.  Sam is gentle of spirit, loving in his actions, caring in his service, dogged in his determination to do good, and a faithful friend to all.  His loving spirit and happy countenance makes all our lives richer and brighter.