The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met at Hafle Winery for our regular 2nd Tuesday of the month evening meeting.  However, this evening meeting was anything but standard.

This Banquet saw our 2015-17 Officers and Board of Directors sworn in and four New Members were inducted.  The new Officers are Mark Sullivan, President, Jerry Sewell, President-Elect, Peg Haemmerle, Treasurer, and Beverly Sewell, Secretary.

A number of the Ohio-West Virginia District Officers were in attendance and included the Incoming District President, Don Price, First Lady Pat and Immediate District Past President Larry Sewell.  Mr. Sewell presided at the New Member Induction,Ceremony, (as well as sponsoring two of the four),  Division Director, and soon to be District President-Elect,Beverly Sewell, presided over the Officer and Board Iof Directors Installation Ceremony.

Exchangites were awarded Service Numerals to attach to their Exchange Club lapel pins.  Fred Fox and Steve Klipfel received 10 Year Numerals, Alan Peczkowski received a 15 Year Numeral, Chuck Beard received a 25 Year Numeral, and Don Lynam and Larry Sewell received 35 Year Numerals.

Division Director Beverly Sewell Presented Larry Sewell with the coveted “Ten Member Recruiter” Pin.

President Jim Hutchins was presented with the Past Club President’s Pin and unanimously elected to the prestigious “Past Presidents of Springfield Exchange” club by all the former Club Past Presidents in attendance.

The food, fellowship, and fun was a wonderful experience.  Incoming President Mark Sullivan shared his vision with us for his Administration and urged us to recruit 8 new members for 2016-17, and once again strive for the Big “E” Award.2016-17 Ohio-WV District President addresses Exchange Club of Springfield Ohio Installation Dinner Banquet June 14 20162016-17 Officers Peg Haemmerle Treasurer Jerry Sewell President-Elect Mark Sullivan President Bev Sewell Secretary2016-17 President Mark Sullivan pinned by Karen Sullivan2016-17 Jim Hutchins Past President Pin pinned by Mallory HutchinsNew Member Induction Marc Holt Brad Minard Bryce Conroy by Immediate Past District President Larry Sewell June 14 2016 Hafle WineryChuck Beard receives 25 Year service numeral from Division Director Bev Sewell as Immed Past District President Larry Sewell looks on June 14 20162016-17 Officers and BoardDon Lynam receives 35 year service numeral from Division Director Bev Sewell as Immediate Past District President Larry Sewell looks on