Ja-Lynn Stowers and Ryan Ray from the Salvation Army visited Exchange’s Noon Luncheon this week.  Our Foundation provides a donation of $1,000 dollars to the Trailblazers Project.  This Salvation Army Project is an awesome five month program for at-risk kids and their families working with 6th grade boys and girls that raises the level of expectations in the lives of these young people and challenges them to live a life of excellence.

This Is a program that encompasses mind, body and soul.  As a direct result of TRAILBLAZERS, the children participating in the program enjoy improved academics, school attendance and behavior.  The children also learn leadership, responsibility, communication skills, good hygiene and how to blaze their OWN trail for others to follow.  By involving and placing emphasis on family/parental participation, the program strengthens the family, impacting not only the children in the programs, but their siblings and fellow students at school.