The Exchange Club of Springfield welcomed Jennifer Rousculp-Miller, Superintendent of Clark County Developmental Disabilities as the guest speaker for the regular membership meeting on Tuesday March 20, 2018, Noon, at the Benham-Pence Student Center of the campus of Wittenberg University.
Superintendent Miller stated that CCDD has been serving the families of Clark County since the early 1950’s. They serve children through adults. Developmental Disabilities of Clark County assists people who have developmental disabilities to live, work and participate in our community. They serve three functions: administrator, funder, and authorizer of services.
As administrator, they determine who is eligible for services in accordance with Federal and State law. They are also responsible for the safety and security of people who have developmental disabilities in Clark County, and monitoring those who provide services
As funder, they seek, secure, and distribute Federal, State and local funds to pay for services for those eligible.
As an authorizer of services, they offer quality training for providers to attain certification from the state in order to work for individuals with DD. We also provide services including: residential living, community housing, early intervention for children, adult habilitation, specialized transportation, job training and more.
An excellent steward of public money, Developmental Disabilities of Clark County has been serving our community for over 60 years. They depend on county levy funds for 62% of our budget, with the remaining dollars provided by the State and Federal government. They seek every opportunity to collaborate with other organizations and businesses, and intensively pursue grants at every opportunity.
For more information visit their website at