The Exchange Club of Springfield welcomed Ohio-West Virginia District President Beverly Sewell to the 2018-19 Installation Banquet at the Elk’s Club in Springfield, Ohio on June 26, 2018, the club’s 98th Annual Installation of Officers.  DP Beverly complimented the club on its many accomplishments of the past year and encouraged us to continue our good works.  The officers installed are – President Marc Holt, President-Elect Melissa Tuttle, Immediate Past President Jerry Sewell, Treasurer Peg Haemmerle, Secretary Bev Sewell, Directors Karen Sullivan, Doris Ross, Alan Peczkowski, Connie Kearns, Deb Burchett, and Teresa Metzger.

Newly installed President Marc Holt, 2018-19, received the club’s President’s Pin from now Past President Jerry Sewell in accordance with long established tradition.  District President Bev Sewell was presented with a Past District President pin by Larry Sewell, a Past District President. Jerry Sewell was then presented with a Club Past President’s pin by Ohio-WV District Director Larry Sewell.

There was a Powerpoint presentation about the 2017-18 year and it was great to see all the projects we completed designed to make our community a better place to live.

Door prizes were presented to each Exchangite or guest in attendance and a great time was had by all.