The Centennial Celebration was a great success in all ways.  It was truly a team effort. We were blessed with good weather, a fantastic venue, amazing food, great speakers, unparalleled Master of Ceremonies, Jim Hausfeld (Lisa), a really great turnout of our membership, super support from our District Officers and Directors, President Cindy Cullen (and Terry), IPP Bob Bochi, Secretary John Fetters, Treasurer Don Price (and Pat), Directors Ginny Williams and Steve Klipfel, (did they have a quorum?). From National we welcomed Region 7 VP Jennifer Sweney (Steve), and Past National President Floyd Culver (Ann)!  Our Keynote Speaker, representing the National Exchange Club was Immediate Past National President Russ Finney, (Kathy) who inspired us with a great address, noting the club’s contributions, past and present, and challenging us to attain that level of service for the next 100 years.  He also read a proclamation from National recognizing our Century of Service, and a proclamation was read and presented to Don Lynam and Larry Sewell recognizing 40 years of service to the club in Exchange by National.

We had proclamations of congratulations read from Governor DeWine and Lt. Governor Husted, from State Senator Bob Hackett, and County Commissioner Rick Lohnes read a proclamation from the Clark County Board of Commissioners.

The Foundation presented a symbolic “Big Check” to the inaugural recipient, Shane Kouns, of the Fred Dillon Endowed Scholarship in Manufacturing at Clark State, through the Clark State Foundation, and Director Toni Overholser was there to take part.   Shane, his wife Becky, and son Caleb, (daughter Sarah was unable to attend), charmed all who attended, especially when 11 year old Caleb, wearing his Boy Scout uniform, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Thanks to Chair Mark Sullivan for almost two years of planning, Covid frustration, and complications right up to the LAST minute! Alan, Karen, Peg, Bev, Melissa T., Jim, Carol, Monica, Marc, Jerry, Larry, Andy, etc. attended some or all of Mark’s planning meetings.  Thanks to those who set up the venue, Don W., Alan, Don L., Mark, Peg, Larry, and those who did the take down, Don W., Alan, Peg, Carol, Mark, Karen, Bev, Larry, Andy, Susan, Melissa, and probably others for one thing and another.  Thanks to Carol for managing the EVITE Site Program. Thanks to Dan and Marilyn at the Registration Desk, and Susan when we were getting our “Club Photo” taken.  Thanks to Marc H. for greeting and directing guests as appropriate.  Thanks to Jerry S. for the audio “voice” of Springfield Exchange on the Century of Service PP Presentation.

Special  mention to Andy Kittles who was a dynamo with the design of the logo, the design and printing of the programs, name tags, and invitations, great ideas for the flow and content of each step of the evening, syncing the Springfield Club’s Century of Service PP Presentation audio, and sending out the invitations themselves. Many thanks to Susan for addressing by hand each of over 100 invitations!

A big thank you to the Simon Kenton Inn for a truly fantastic dinner. WOW! And special mention to Angie Hutchins who provided scrumptious cupcakes, all of which sported our Century of Service logo!