The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio, met Tuesday June 21st, at the Shouvlin Center, for its annual Installation of Officers and Directors for the 2022-23 Exchange Year. The club celebrated all the accomplishments of this 101st year of service to the citizens of Springfield and Clark County. Ohio-West Virginia District Division 6 Director Steve Klipfel, (NW Cincinnati Club), presided over the Installation Ceremony. Installed as President was Mark Sullivan, as Secretary Beverly Sewell, as Treasurer Peg Haemmerle, and as Directors Jerry Sewell and Don Warner, who will be joined by Karen Sullivan, Andy Kittles, and Alan Peczkowski. A “Year in Review” presentation highlighted the 100th Charter Anniversary Celebration last October at the Simon Kenton Inn, and the various awards the club received at the District Convention in Canton, Ohio last month. The Club received the National Service Award, the OH-WV District Exchange Clubs Best New Community Service Project for supporting the Save-A-Warrior organization, the Bronze District President’s Award, and the District’s Best Club Bulletin Award.