The National Exchange Club, and the Ohio-West Virginia District of Exchange, sponsor a Youth of the Year Award annually. The OH-WV District consists of 24 clubs who have the opportunity to nominate a Youth of the Year through a process involving academics, athletics, community service, extra curricular activity, and an essay contest. The Springfield club selected Will Baron, Catholic Central High School from 11 local high school submissions, and presented to him the $1,000 college scholarship associated with the award. Mr. Baron’s packet was submitted to District competition where he was selected as the 2022-23 OH-WV District Youth of the Year, and an additional $1000 college scholarship. He was presented with the award on Saturday May 20, 2023, at the OH-WV District Convention at the Hancock Inn, Findlay, Ohio, at a luncheon in his honor. Mr. Baron will now compete at the National level, and if successful, will be presented with a $15,000 college scholarship at the National Exchange Club Convention to be held in Phoenix, Arizona, in mid July,2023. Congratulations and good luck,Will!
IPP Cindy Cullen presented the Award at the convention. Will is seen with his father, Bill Baron. After graduation, Will Baron will attend the University of Cincinnati, majoring in engineering.