The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio installed new 2023-24 Officers and Directors, Tuesday July 18, 2023 ,in the Shouvlin Center, on the campus of Wittenberg University. Ohio-West Virginia District Director Steve Klipfel inducted New Club Members Karen Hupp and Carin Little. He then presided over the Installation of Club Officers and Directors, Taking the Oath of Office were, President Mark Sullivan, President-Elect Don “Skip” Warner, Immediate Past President Melissa Tuttle, Secretary Beverly Sewell, Treasurer Peg Haemmerle, Directors 2023-25, Karen Sullivan, Karen Lotz, and Karen Hupp. A presentation celebrating the accomplishments of ’22-23 was given which culminated in the club earning the National Exchange Club’s highest club achievement award, the Big “E”. President Mark earned the National Exchange Club’s Distinguished Club President Award for his leadership during the 2022-23 year which concluded on June 30th, 2023.