The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met at Parker’s farm for its regularly scheduled Tuesday August 8th,  2023, 6 PM club meeting, with 17 members and one guest  present. Guest speaker was Dean Blair, Executive Director of the Clark County Fairgrounds. Mr. Blair stated that the 2023 Fair attendance of 83, 141 exceed the 2022 attendance of 83,019.  He highlighted the many changes this year to the method of entry and egress, and parking.  These changes, in addition to over 100 more LED lights, restrictions on minors being unaccompanied by an adult, etc, resulted in a significant reduction in altercations this year.  Indeed, only one arrest was made when in prior years many more arrests had to be made.  Mr. Blair highlighted the very many improvements to the Fairgrounds, including new or renovated buildings, a new 2900 ft Fairgrounds HQ building, and extensive chain link fencing.  He also spoke to the future and noted many changes and additions are being planned by the County Commission, and various developers, to enhance the areas adjacent to the Fairgrounds.  Many thanks to the Parkers for inviting us to a wonderful venue!