The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met Tuesday, 6 PM, May 28, 2024, at the Clark County Public Library, with 14 members and 1 guest present. Guest Speaker was Lo Hauser, Director of Project Jericho.  Project Jericho utilizes diverse and dynamic teaching artists to lead intentionally designed camps, modules, and workshops for youth and families. Artists range from Springfield’s finest local artists to regional and national artists. Lo described several innovative projects designed to allow the students to express their feelings in positive ways, and in many cases make positive life changes through the arts.  Creating all these different programs from novels, poetry, a weekly Monday afternoon art project offering during the school year makes Project Jericho unique, and priceless.  Director Hauser accepted two donations of $750 each, (one for Project Jericho – Clark State and one for Project Jericho – Juvenile Detention Center,) from Foundation Secretary Bev Sewell.