The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio held its 102nd Installation Dinner at Shouvlin Center, Room 105, on the campus of Wittenberg University with 15 members and 2 guests present. Incoming President Don ‘Skip’ Warner, Treasurer Peg Haemmerle, Secretary Bev Sewell, Immediate Past President Mark Sullivan, Directors Karen Sullivan, Karen Lotz, Tim Parker, and Joy Dabe took the Oath of Office from Past OH-WV District President Larry Sewell. The Invocation was given by Alan Peczkowski, the Pledge of Allegiance by Mark Lotz, and Tim Parker led the Covenant of Service. First Lady Cia Warner placed the Club President’s Pin on Skip’s collar as son Jason looked on. Immediate Past President Mark Sullivan accepted a club gift of the coffee table book entitled “100 Years of Service” about the history of the National Exchange Club signed by the members present, for his four years of service as club president. Congratulations to the 2024-25 club officers and directors! We look forward to the new Exchange Year with confidence! Unity for Service!