The Exchange Club of Springfield, after replacing a number of damaged and worn documents, Re-dedicated the Freedom Shrine at Northeastern High School on Monday May 14, 2018 at a morning ceremony.  Principal Todd Justice and the Student Council Officers of each class, a number of Faculty, Staff, and Springfield Exchange Club members witnessed the proceedings.  Principal Justice began by welcoming all. After an Invocation by Ohio-West Virginia District President Beverly Sewell, and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Lucy Parker, Vice President of NE Student Government, Alan Peczkowski, Chairman of the Freedom Shrine Committee, spoke about the Exchange Club’s mission of service to the community.  The Freedom Shrine Re-Dedication Address was provided by Springfield Exchange Club President Jerry Sewell.  The assembled Exchangites concluded the ceremony by reciting the Exchange Club Covenant of Service.

Exchange’s Freedom Shrine

The Freedom Shrine is an impressive, permanently mounted collection of 30 of the most important and historic American documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Gettysburg Address. They show our nation’s youth the strength and courage of their forefathers by allowing them to read, with their own eyes, the immortal words of inspired Americans who so decisively changed the course of history.

Exchange would like to see a Freedom Shrine installed in every junior and senior high school in the nation. Freedom Shrines have also found places of honor in universities, libraries, state capitols, airports, city halls and other public places where they can be studied and admired.

Pictured are Northeastern HS Principal Todd Justice, from the Exchange Club of Springfield – Freedom Shrine Chairman Alan Peczkowski, Mark Sullivan, Beverly Sewell, President Jerry Sewell, Peg Haemmerle, and Larry Sewell.