Beverly Sewell, (Springfield) participated October 12th through October 15, 2016, in the National Exchange Club Leadership Conference in Detroit, Michigan.  Mrs. Sewell is President-Elect of the Ohio-West Virginia District Exchange Clubs, and will take the Office of President of the District when the one year term begins July 1st, 2016.

The Conference is a series of seminars and exercises on leadership in general, and Exchange Clubs in particular.  The National Exchange Club has 29 Districts throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, with some 670 clubs and 20,000 members.  The Springfield Club, Chartered in 1921, was awarded the “Best New Americanism Project” by the National Exchange Club at its national convention in July of 2016 in Houston, Texas.  The Ohio-West Virginia District is a part of Region Seven of the National Exchange Club and includes the Michigan, and Indiana Districts.

Mrs. Sewell (second from left) is seen pictured at the event with President-Elect Jennifer Sweeney of Michigan, RVP 7 Jeff Young, and Michigan District President-Elect Brad Clapp.