The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met Tuesday July 11, 2023, 6 PM, at COhatch, with 18 members and three guests present. Guest Speaker was Deb McCullough from On-The-Rise. On-The-Rise is celebrating its 21st year using programs of Multi-Sensory Training and Multi-Cultural Learning to youths referred by various schools and agencies, to instill responsibility, work ethic, social growth, sustainable living, respect, teamwork, and accountability. The students, ages 10 -14, also engage in 4-H Projects with various farm animals and plants and show at the Clark County Fair. A separate program for high school age students prepares the them for social interactions including “Dress for Success”, learning how to interview for an employment opportunity. Founding Director Deb McCullough is pictured accepting a Foundation donation of $1,000 from Past Club President Alan Peczkowski.