The Exchange Club of Springfield welcomed Exchangite and Director of the Clark County Child Advocacy Center as we kick off Child Abuse Prevention Month awareness.

Wendy, seen here with Exchange Club Foundation of Springfield President Larry Sewell, spoke to us about the ongoing mission of the Center and thanked our Foundation for a donation of $ 5,000 that will be used during the coming year.

Child Advocacy Center

Before the Clark County Child Advocacy Center existed, children were taken back and forth among child welfare offices, Police Departments, medical clinics, and therapists. At each visit, the child was asked to retell his/her story. The process not only duplicated investigative efforts, it also made children relive their experience over and over.

One Roof

Now, we provide the location where all of the disciplines involved meet under one roof-which eliminates the need for children to be interviewed by multiple people at different places. Child victims are interviewed by trained forensic interviewers in a friendly, non-threatening environment where interviews are recorded.

All Agencies Involved

We believe that the protection of children must involve all agencies involved in the investigation and intervention-and that the agencies work together. Our model focuses on reducing trauma.