Salvation Army visits Exchange

Salvation Army visits Exchange

Pastor Ryan Ray and Major Watson from the Springfield Chapter of the Salvation Army on Tuesday May 21, 2019 visited our Noon meeting at Wittenberg University.  Our Foundation presented two checks for $1,000 for the Trailblazer and Summer Camp programs. Club President...
Scout BSA Tecumseh Council visits Exchange

Scout BSA Tecumseh Council visits Exchange

The Exchange Club of Springfield welcomed Rob Lavoie, Executive Director of the Tecumseh Council, Scouts BSA.  The rising instances of suicide among our teenagers has an anti-dote according to Mr. Lavoie; The Scouts.  Studies have shown that Scouts are more cheerful...
Exchange Welcomes Two Youths of the Month

Exchange Welcomes Two Youths of the Month

The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio honored the final Youth of the Month Project selections as outstanding local high school Seniors at its regularly scheduled Noon meeting on the campus of Wittenberg University on Tuesday February 5, 2019.  Alison Bachowski from...