Exchange Welcomes Project D.A.R.E. Clark County

Exchange Welcomes Project D.A.R.E. Clark County

The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met Tuesday October 8, 2024, 6 PM, at the BPSC Alumni Room on the campus of Wittenberg University with 14 members, Skip, Tim, Jill, Karen H, Mark L, Karen L, Alan, Bev, Peg, Don, Bonnie, Larry, Mark S, Karen S, as well as new...
Exchange Welcomes On-The-Rise

Exchange Welcomes On-The-Rise

The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met Tuesday September 24th, 2024, 6 PM, in the Alumni Room on the campus of Wittenberg University, with 16 members present. Guest Speaker was Deb McCullough from On-The-Rise. Deb brought us to speed on what the 22-year-old...
Exchange Visits Clark State!

Exchange Visits Clark State!

he Exchange Club of Springfield had a rare noon meeting Tuesday June 25th, at Shull Hall on the Campus of Clark State College. The five Club members present had an opportunity to visit the new labs and have lunch with the High School Academy students. Clark State has...
Exchange Welcomes Tecumseh Council BSA

Exchange Welcomes Tecumseh Council BSA

The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio met Tuesday March 12, 2024, 6 PM, at the Wittenberg Benham-Pence Student Center, for its regularly scheduled member meeting with 14 members present. Speakers were Business Members Rob Lavoie and Mike Taylor, Tecumseh Council,...