The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio will meet Tuesday July 11, 2023, 6 PM, at COhatch for its regularly scheduled member meeting. Guest Speaker will be Debbie McCullough from On-The-Rise.
The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio will meet Tuesday July 18, 2023, 6 PM, at the Shouvlin Center for its 2023-24 Officer and Director Installation Dinner.
The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio will not meet Tuesday July 25, 2023 due to preparations for the 74th annual Kid's Day Games at the Clark County Fairgrounds on Youth Day, Wednesday July 26, 2023.
The Exchange Club of Springfield will hold its 74th Annual Kid's Day Games at the CC Fair Wednesday July 26, 2023, 1:00 PM at the Fairgrounds race track, for ages 5 -16 years.
The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio will have a table at the 2023 National Night Out, which will be held Tuesday August 1, 2023, 5 PM – 7 PM, Veteran’s Park. We will distribute Prevention of Child Abuse flyers on subjects such as Cyber Safety, Bullying, etc. We also have coloring books with a “police […]