Exchange Give-A-Kid-A-Flag-To-Wave with 5,000 flags at the Memorial Day Parade 2023
The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio participated once again in the Give-A-Kid-A-Flag-To-Wave Project at the Springfield Memorial Day Parade. The parade is one of the largest in Ohio with 200 vehicles of all types and 1700 participants. It was another tremendous...
Exchange Honors the Fallen
The Exchange Club of Springfield, Ohio honors the fallen this year with a tribute to the United States Army... "The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white...
Lotz Wins Ohio-West Virginia District Exchange Clubs Rookie of the Year Award!
Congratulations to Springfield Exchange Club member Karen Lotz who is the 2022-23 Rookie of the Year for the Ohio-West Virginia District of the National Exchange Clubs! To be eligible, a member must be in their first 18 months with the club. Karen distinguished...